Saturday 8 October 2011

"The Sandman"

The comic book series that I'm choosing for the comic brief is the series called 'The Sandman'. It was written by Neil Gaiman and illustrated by a bunch of different artists, illustrators and designers from all parts of the world.

Brief History:

The Sandman series was first written and proposed by Neil Gaiman for the revival of the 1974-76 DC comic "Sandman" (A much tamer and more conventional comic series).

A while later, Gaiman was accepted as the writer of the new Sandman, the catch being that he had to create entirely new characters which had nothing to do with the old Sandman. The first issue of The Sandman was released in October 1988


The Sandman narrative is set in the DC universe. This means that some of the regular DC comic characters are found in and around the story of the comic, for example the "Justice League" (Batman, Superman, Wonderwoman etc).

The main character of the stories is a guy called Dream. He is referred to as Dream, Morpheus, The King of Dreams and a few other names, but in short he is simply the anthropomorphic personification of dreaming as a whole. Kind of like a God, but there is no difference between him and actual dreaming. It's all pretty mystical and weird.
As a character, he has 6 brothers and sisters who are all god-like in the same way that he is, each the personification of their own thing or "realm" and each with a name beginning with D. They are Destruction (Who is actually absent for the majority of the comics as he quits the job), Despair, Desire, Delirium (Formerly Delight), Destiny and Death. Each of them has control of their 'thing' and each has to kind of rule over everything to do with it in their own way.


In total there were 75 issues of the Sandman, with a few different releases of compiled versions and more recently the 'Absolute Sandman' compilations which fit everything into just 5 volumes.

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