Wednesday 3 November 2010

Design Ideas

These are a few examples of the kind of things that could be used for design ideas. These either show existing examples of ideas that I came up with on design practice or they show the kind of things I mean.

Posters like this are well positioned because they are at a point where people are standing still and generally have nothing to do except look around and wait. 

The side of a train could be a really eye catching place to design for. People don't expect to see much on the side of a train besides the usual design like in the image above. A really nice eyecatching design could work effectively. 

These posters on the inside of trains and buses are quite generic and don;t particularly stand out but they probably do get looked at quite a lot. The issue with designing for these would be that my poster could blend in really easily. 

Designing for a billboard is similar to designing for any kind of poster except that the placement is slightly better. Generally billboards are not surrounded by any other design which makes them stand out so a well produced billboard design could work well. 

This design above shows how bus exteriors can be completely designed for promotion. I could take advantage of this as buses move around a lot and get seen by a lot of people. This could be a good way to get my design seen. 

Luggage collection points at airports have rotary conveyor belts like the one above. You can see that the design above works really successfully because it is very relevant to the product being advertised. Unfortunately I can't see any way that manta rays are related to a conveyor belt in the way they look or in characteristics but it could still make a nice design. 

Similar to the design above this shows how escalators can be designed for. Again it isn't that relevant but it is quite different and could make for a nice design. 

Again again this image shows a rotational conveyor belt can be used. This is a substitute for the ones that are on the ground in airports which make the journey down long corridors quicker. This one is actually a belt for a supermarket checkout but you get the idea. 

Above shows how the outside of a plane hull can even be designed for. It would be really unusual to see a nicely designed plane that wasn't just advertising the airline brand so it could work nicely. 

These refreshment trolleys are already designed for but could be changed to incorporate my designs. They pass people at about head height when sitting so they would be really noticeable and should grab some attention. 

This image above shows how something simple can be designed cleverly. I could use small items like napkins to promote the campaign. 

In flight magazines often have articles about the destination of the flight such as the tourist attractions and what there is to do around the area. They also focus on local news and feature articles about products and other things so I could take advantage of the in flight magazine and create an article (Maybe just a double page spread) which focusses on manta rays and explains why they should not be eaten and what tourists can do about it. For any other products on the flight I could link the designs to the article (E.g. "For more information see page 30 of the in flight magazine").

Coffee cups aren't very ground breaking for designing on but they are a simple format and people hold them a lot. And a lot of people drink coffee. 

This is probably one of the better ideas that I came up with. Anyone who has ever been on a flight with a meal will know that there is a ridiculous amount of packaging on each part of the meal. I can take advantage of this by redesigning packaging to fit my focus. 
I can work to redesign the packaging to make less of it, make it look neater and generally unify everything in front of the passenger while at the same time designing for the campaign.
The project is all about not eating manta ray so what better place to promote it than on meal packaging?

This idea is a bit simple and is quite irrelevant compared to others. All accommodation will have some kind of key so I figured that it could be designed for. People always make sure they have their keys on them so it could be a good place to design on. The ones above are a bit embarrassing, but the Starbucks key in the top left actually works quite well.

This idea is based around the harbour villages where manta rays might be caught and served in local restaurants, especially if there is a big tourist industry in the town. Liners are absolutely huge which means that they can be seen from a long way away.
Designing for the side of a liner means that people would be able to see it from a really long way away which is always good. 

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